Slovakia-K9 kennel in Presov - Slovak Republic
Our staff maintains a fully functioning and stocked kennel located near Presov, in Eastern Slovakia, 4,5 hour drive from Slovak capital city - Bratislava and 5,5 hours drive from nearest international airport - Vienna. Kennel size is more than a 1,5 hektar (approx 3,30 acre) with police dog candidates readily available for sale and training. We usually have around 30 dogs in the runs, properly cleaned. Training process starts every day, with walking the dogs first to put them in shape. Hunt drive training starts before lunch, bitting work after. We have other old building in our possession, where we can train our dogs and simulate various situations to which our dogs has to be exposed. In every room there is a different type of floor, furniture, glass etc. Our test is one of the hardest to check dog`s behavior, because we know that`s the only way to see how dogs will react when exposed to a stressfull situation.